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Graphic Design & Image Editing

Price:UGX 300 ,000
Hits: 15524

The 40 hour Certificate Course in Graphic Design starts with basics of visual design and then travels through the image-editing techniques using Adobe Photoshop to learn how to enhance the look of the digital or scanned photograph that will be used as part of various print materials like newspapers, brochures, posters, leaflets, packages, book and designing. The course also teaches how to create logo, brochures, posters, business cards, fliers, and packaging designs by using Adobe Illustrator. Details, Call 256-701-831889

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Visit Our Shop:

Shop F1-8 | Nalubwama Arcade
Plot 26/28|Ben Kiwanuka Street
(Between Old Taxi Park & Cooper Complex- Opp. Last Entrance to Old Park towards Shoprite)
Ben Kiwanuka Street | Kampala | Uganda

Call: +256-701-831 889 +256-701-714488
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.