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Car Inverter (150Watts)

Price:UGX 70 ,000
Hits: 24324

Simply plug in this 150W Car Inverter to your car cigarette power adapter and you can charge your devices directly from your car battery. 

If you dont have a Car, just connect it to any Battery and immediately start charging your devices.

This 150Watt Car Inverter Charger converts 12V DC power from your vehicle's battery (or Solar Battery) into 220V AC/Umeme power to run a laptop, portable DVD players, digital camera, smartphones, and many other portable devices. Comes with DC 5V USB Port + Universal AC 240V power socket.

Visit Our Office: 
Shop F1-8, Nalubwama Arcade (First Floor)
(The Building Between Old Taxi Park & Cooper Complex), 
Plot 27, Ben Kiwanuka Street, Kampala, Uganda
Hotline: 0701-71 44 88

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Visit Our Shop:

Shop F1-8 | Nalubwama Arcade
Plot 26/28|Ben Kiwanuka Street
(Between Old Taxi Park & Cooper Complex- Opp. Last Entrance to Old Park towards Shoprite)
Ben Kiwanuka Street | Kampala | Uganda

Call: +256-701-831 889 +256-701-714488
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.